Monday, August 25, 2008

The importance of being nice.

Is there a course in modesty? If so, it should be prescribed in all colleges compulsorily. How to talk on phone, the correct conduct in offices, the common courtesies that make life much more bearable. Getting your thank-yous and sorrys in place! I sound like an etiquette-Nazi, here. But I won't apologise for that.

Look at Mr Amitabh Bachchan. Whatever his personal merits and demerits be, he is extremely courteous and self-effacing when speaking to the press. Not 'I am the God of Indian Cinema and you better not ask me any silly questions'. Never. Maybe that's just a facade and all that modesty is just a clever emotional barricade. The point is, he makes an effort when he doesn't need to. People would continue adoring him, even if he was more ego-maniacal or less modest. Fake it, if you don't feel modest or can't be bothered. But at least make an effort.

Attitude is a good thing. Snobby, snooty, holier-than-thou, intellectual-than-thou attitude is just a piggy thing. Recent example: Chip-on-the-shoulder-candidate at office interview can't be bothered to give answers and acts like he/she is doing a favour by appearing for the interview. What's worse, said candidate was desperate for the job but post-interview acted like he/she would do us a mighty favour by joining, and that it was probably too infra dig for the star-applicant. Tough luck. When someone walks in for an inteview, it is also the attitude at test, no matter how impressive their skill-set is. I always thought this was obvious. But apparently not.

Of course, this doesn't mean we should all be robotic prototypes of exemplary behaviour all the time. Arrogance comes in handy when dealing with somebody with a bad attitude. Shout back at the bullies. Aloof, standoffish, cold and impertinent attitude is just the cure for some who deserve a taste of their own medicine. Use the swear words, when they have the maximum impact and when the situation calls for it. Not the whole effing-time. It is not 'cool', really. It just shows your limited vocabulary.


Anusha said...

Love your style of writing! Keep blogging more often...

jasmine thakkar said...

Thanks. Heera hi heere ko pechan sakta hai :-D

Anonymous said...

intersting how you mentioned big b w.r.t. social conduct and how our views match...
also, i would like to make an honourable mention of our dear sallu bhaiya and the kat b'day 'bash' when we are talking of public figures with 'attitude'.
seriously, when will people learn?

Sowmya said...

HEY, FANTASTIC POST! Love the way you write.. all bindaas. Awesome read.

And I agree wih what you say. The world has begun to forget the elegance of refinement.

jasmine thakkar said...

@ Ady
When it comes to public figures and social conduct, I can't think of a better person.

@ Sowmya
Thanks. We had an essay in class 10, "On Saying Please". Sometimes, I want to quote from there. :)